Saturday, 16 July 2011

Genevive's Interview about her Love Life


So finally, after almost a week since the whole D’banj/Genevieve relationship news came out,Genevieve finally talks about it in an interview with Desola Bakare of Encomium.
Enjoy :)
Genevieve Nnaji-”I can only say that I would like to keep my private life private and I really don’t have anything to say”

But if one part of a couple reveals that he is going out with someone as high profile as yourself, it makes the story credible if you can actually confirm this…
Genevieve “Dbanj is an adult and he has said something. Let’s just leave it at that…”

But can you clarify the whole thing by simply conforming or denying it?
Genevieve “I don’t want to talk about my private life. I don’t do it. I am well aware that people will say things. People have been calling me to find things out, but I am not going to say anything. I have learnt over the years that no matter what I say, people will say and believe what they like…you can not please everybody. This is my own way of handling things. I just don’t talk about my private life. It’s the one thing I can control”

But is it real or a publicity stunt? Is Dbanj lying?

Genevieve “Does he lie?”
By that are you inferring that he wasn’t telling a lie and what he said is true.
Genevieve “I am not inferring or insinuating anything. One person has said something and that really is enough. I am not saying I will never talk about it, but for now I do not wish to say anything about the matter.”

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